Welcome to the APOSTL Galaxy Server! This Galaxy server hosts several tools developed at the Moffitt Cancer Center including APOSTL and Escape Excel. To begin, use the pane to your left to upload your data and then select the appropriate tool.
Open APOSTL WalkthroughAutomated Processing of SAINT Templated Layouts (APOSTL) is a Galaxy-based analysis pipeline for reproducible analysis of affinity proteomics (AP) data. APOSTL utilizes Significance Analysis of INTeractome (SAINT), a popular command-line software for analyzing AP data. APOSTL can process AP results from MaxQuant, Scaffold, PeptideShaker, or any software that can export mzIdentML. APOSTL can create a number of publication-quality visualizations including interactive bubble plots, protein-protein interaction networks, and pathway enrichment/gene ontology plots. All visualizations are accomplished through Shiny, an interactive and open-source visualization package for the R programming language. APOSTL is open-source software released under GPLv3, and it is freely available on the Galaxy Tool Shed and GitHub.
Pre-process your data from Scaffold, MaxQuant, PeptideShaker or mzIdentML
Analyze your data in real time
Save any image as publication quality figure in multiple formats
Interface with GalaxyP for an entire proteomics workflow in Galaxy!
APOSTL is able to recognize the Scaffold Samples Report file, the peptides.txt file in the Maxquant txt output folder, the PeptideShaker Protein Report file, or the output from other tools in mzIdentML format. Scaffold, MaxQuant, and PeptideShaker output files must be saved as tab delimited text, and no other modifications should be made to these files. Using the Bait Create option in the SAINT Pre-processing tool allows you to quickly create a bait.txt file. It is important that the individual bait names exactly match the bait names within your output from the above software. This tool also includes an option to automatically generate a prey.txt file.
Note: See the SaintExpress manual for more information about file formatting requirements.
When making a prey.txt file, APOSTL queries a user provided FASTA database in order to extract protein amino acid lengths and gene names. This process may take several minutes. Some users may want to run SAINTexpress using the same data set while changing which baits are considered test or control. It is useful to toggle Make Prey off in order to save time by circumventing this step as the same prey file can be used for both SAINTexpress runs.
Once SAINTexpress has been run, APOSTL is able to read the resulting list.txt file. From here APOSTL does a number of things:
1) APOSTL calculates the normalized spectral abundance factor (NSAF) values for each prey based on the average spectra observed for each bait
2) Optionally, APOSTL calculates the probability of a specific interaction based on prey prevalence in the CRAPome.
1) Protein-protein interaction network query using ConsensusPathDB following filtering. Allows for easy Cytoscape import for visualization using the import network from file option.
2) Dot plot and clustering analysis from the the Prohits Visualization Tool.
3) Galaxy passes results to Shiny for interactive visualizations (Shiny is configured on this server).
This is a quick start guide more appropriate for users familiar with Galaxy. Before beginning, it is recommended that first-time users familiarize themselves with how SAINTexpress works and the contents of required files (link to manual). A long format walkthrough with screen captures can be found on GitHub.
1) Register: Please create a free account by clicking on the User menu button and selecting Register. Accounts are created immediately and can be used immediately.
2) Once signed in as a user, click on the Shared Data menu button and select Published Histories.
3) To access workflows that can be used on user-provided datasets, click on the Shared Data menu button and select Published Workflows.
APOSTL is maintained by the Haura and Rix labs